“An Experimental Platform for Studying the Heteronuclear Efimov Effect with an Ultracold Mixture of Li-6 and Cs-133 Atoms” now published on Few-Body Systems!

Our paper describing the Li-Cs mixing experimental apparatus has been now published in the journal Few-Body Systems! Experiments involving atomic mixtures with a large mass imbalance face significant challenges in slowing, cooling, and trapping the species together. This paper highlights the development of efficient techniques to address these issues, focusing on three aspects: slowing of hot atoms, managing of dipole traps, and controlling magnetic fields. This machine allowed the investigation of the heteronuclear Efimov effect in the ultracold Li-Cs mixture as reported in several previous publications. Reference: Check it out here: An Experimental Platform for Studying the HeteronuclearEfimov Effect with …

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Congratulations to Dr. Lippi!

Congratulations to Eleonora Lippi who today defended her PhD thesis “Cs-133 atoms in a Li-6 Fermi sea for exploring polaron physics in the heavy impurity limit”. It has been a wonderful experience working alongside you and we cannot wait to see what the future brings. We wish you the best of luck! Reference: PhD Thesis: Cs-133 atoms in a Li-6 Fermi sea for exploring polaron physics in the heavy impurity limit

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“Anomalous loss behavior in a single-component Fermi gas close to a p-wave Feshbach resonance” published in Phys. Rev. A !

This month, our paper on “Anomalous loss behavior in a single-component Fermi gas close to a p-wave Feshbach resonance” was published in Phys. Rev. A! In this work we studied the theoretical processes of three-body loss in a p-wave interacting Fermi gas. The study predicts a new type of three-body loss behavior in these kinds of systems which could be observed in lithium-6 polarized in the lowest hyperfine groundstate. Reference:

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Mini-workshop on polarons

On the 8th of December 2022, we had the pleasure to host a mini-workshop on polaron physics. Our LiCs team met with the experimental LiK group of Prof. Rudi Grimm from Innsbruck (Austria) and the theoretical groups of Prof. Richard Schmidt and Prof. Tilman Enss from Heidelberg (Germany). Each of them presented their activities and discussed possible collaborations.

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QSEC2022 Conference in Bingen

From the 14th to the 18th of November took place in Bingen am Rhein (Germany) the International Conference on Quantum Systems in Extreme Conditions (QSEC2022), organized by the Collaborative Research Center “Isoquant”. Within our group, Eleonora and Lauriane were part of the Organizing Committee. The conference has the aim to bring together experimental and theoretical researchers working on quantum systems in extreme conditions. The event focuses on cross-disciplinary developments from heavy ion collisions, precision spectroscopy in highly charged ions, and ultracold quantum gases.

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Congratulations to Dr. Gerken!

We are glad to announce that Manuel Gerken has defended today his PhD thesis “Exploring p-wave Feshbach Resonances in Ultracold Lithium and Lithium-Cesium Mixtures”. Congratulations to him and the best of luck for his future! Reference: PhD thesis: Exploring p-wave Feshbach Resonances in Ultracold Lithium and Lithium-Cesium Mixtures

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HDVent emergency ventilator system: a child project of COVID-19 times

Our group participated to the Physics Institute’s effort to create an emergency ventilator to support patients suffering from COVID-19. David, Manuel, Eleonora, Binh and Saba gave a large contribution to this project child of this year of pandemy. The design of the HDvent Emergency Ventilator has now been published and full details are available open source on the HDVent website and on github! Reference: D. Grimshandl et al., The HDvent Emergency Ventilator System, arXiv:2012.13005, or see our full list of publications For more information: Website: HDVentGithub: HDVent on Github

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