Our quantum simulation platform based on giant interactions in Rydberg atoms allows us to probe nonequilibrium phenomena in closed quantum systems. With this platform, we can create Heisenberg spin Hamiltonians of different classes with or without a longitudinal or transverse magnetic field. The most prominent nonequilibrium phenomena which are studied in disordered systems are many-body localization and the spin glass phase. Recently, we have observed glassy dynamics and also prethermalization. In future work, we want to investigate aging and a possible spin glass to paramagnet quantum phase transition. Moreover, by preparing interesting initial states, we want to study spin transport in disordered long-range interacting systems.

Floquet Driven Spin Systems
Periodically driven spin systems which have been initially studied in NMR physics show interesting nonequilibrium behavior. As we have shown, we can use a special pulse sequence in order to realize different classes of Heisenberg spin Hamiltonians. Furthermore, they can show an interesting new phase called the discrete time crystal. In future work, we want to use Floquet engineering to apply time reversal and investigate the spreading of information by measuring out-of-time ordered correlators.
status: ongoing project

Rydberg EIT
Coupling light to a cloud of strongly interacting Rydberg atoms allows to induce matter properties onto photons, like mass and subluminal propagation speed. The emergent light-matter quasiparticles, which are called polaritons, present a platform to enhance optical nonlinearity. We found an interesting scheme to enhance the nonlinearity and change absorptive and dispersive properties of the Rydberg cloud. Another interesting phenomenon we observed is interaction enhanced imaging, where a transparent EIT-gas is locally rendered absorptive due to a Rydberg impurity that interacts with the gas.
status: past project
News from the Rydberg lab
- New members join Rydberg team !!!
We are thrilled to welcome Maharshi Pran Bora and Matthias Lotze as our new PhD student and Bachelors student respectively who started with the Rydberg team from October 2024. We look forward to working closely with both of them and witnessing their growth and success in our collaborative environment.
- Eduard starts his PhD in the Rydberg team
Eduard starts today his PhD in the Rydberg group after having successfully ended a Master thesis on nonequilibrium phenomena in disordered spin systems in the same team. We wish you good luck!
- QSEC2022 Conference in Bingen
From the 14th to the 18th of November took place in Bingen am Rhein (Germany) the International Conference on Quantum Systems in Extreme Conditions (QSEC2022), organized by the Collaborative Research Center “Isoquant”. Within our group, Eleonora and Lauriane were part of the Organizing Committee. The conference has the aim to bring together experimental and theoretical researchers working on quantum systems in extreme conditions. The event focuses on cross-disciplinary developments from heavy ion collisions, precision spectroscopy in highly charged ions, and ultracold quantum gases.
- Titus Franz obtains his PhD!
Titus Franz defended successfully his PhD thesis on Rydberg atoms. Congratulations for this big result and good luck for your PostDoc in Munich!
Recent publications
Glassy quantum dynamics of disordered Ising spins Journal Article
In: Phys. Rev. B, vol. 105, pp. L020201, 2022.
Microwave-engineering of programmable XXZ Hamiltonians in arrays of Rydberg atoms Journal Article
In: Phys. Rev. X Quantum, vol. 3, pp. 020303, 2022.
Semiclassical simulations predict glassy dynamics for disordered Heisenberg models Journal Article
In: Phys. Rev. B, 2022.
Ultrafast Many-Body Dynamics in an Ultracold Rydberg-Excited Atomic Mott Insulator Working paper
arXiv e-prints: 2201.09590, 2022.
Floquet Hamiltonian Engineering of an Isolated Many-Body Spin System Journal Article
In: Science, vol. 374, pp. 1149, 2021.
Nonlinear absorption in interacting Rydberg electromagnetically-induced-transparency spectra on two-photon resonance Journal Article
In: Phys. Rev. A, vol. 103, pp. 063710, 2021.
Observation of glassy dynamics in a disordered quantum spin system Journal Article
In: Phys. Rev. X, vol. 11, pp. 011011, 2021.