Open positions

Fermi-Bose Mixtures

Do you want to explore quantum many-body physics at the coldest temperature in the universe?

The Li-Cs experiment, under the supervision of Prof. Matthias Weidemüller and Prof. Lauriane Chomaz, investigates fundamental paradigms of quantum few- and many-body physics. We tune interactions and quantum statistics in ultracold gases and study a myriad of fascinating effects in strongly-interacting quantum matter under extreme control, including Bose-Einstein condensates, degenerate Fermi gases, and mixtures of both. Recently our interest is focused on physics of single atomic impurities dressed by the interactions with the surrounding many-body environment so called polaron physics.

Available projects: Master and Research Assistant (HiWi)


You will work in a team of physicists in order to

  • contribute to the state-of-the-art research on manybody physics in ultracold gases
  • explore exotic quantum phenomena from both an experimental and theoretical point of view
  • obtain scientific skills by working on atom and quantum optics, advanced laser technology, radio frequency and laser spectroscopy
  • have fun with basic electronics, high-frequency technology, feedback control systems, optics design, programming, process control, and data analysis
  • develop tools and technical solutions for setting up a
    “smart lab”

Rydberg Spin Systems

Do you want to explore quantum many-body physics with giant interactions?

The Rydberg team at the Physics Institute investigates nonequilibrium phenomena in manybody quantum spin systems. We can tune the nature of the interactions in a frozen gas of Rydberg atoms and study a large variety of fascinating effects with giant interaction. Among others, we have observed glassy dynamics and non thermalizing regimes in disordered Rydberg spin systems. Recently our interest is focused on physics of spin glasses, where we want to investigate aging and a possible spin glass to paramagnet quantum phase transition. We also want to probe if the systems exhibits a manybody localized regime through measurement of the spin transport properties.

Available projects: PhD and Postdoc


You will work in a team of physicists in order to

  • contribute to the state-of-the-art research on manybody physics in Rydberg spin systems
  • explore out-of-equilibrium quantum phenomena from both an experimental and theoretical point of view
  • obtain scientific skills by working on atom and quantum optics, advanced laser technology, microwave driving and laser spectroscopy
  • have fun with high-voltage electronics, high-frequency technology, feedback control systems, optics design, programming, process control, and data analysis
  • develop tools and technical solutions for setting up a “smart lab”

Digital Twins

Do you want to improve a Machine Learning Analysis for Digital Twins in Clinical Care?

The Digital Twin Team within the group of Prof. Matthias Weidemüller incorporates the clinical workflow, clinical evidence, and high-level ML into a single decision support tool for the doctor. Using our unique platform, we work closely with medical doctors and scientist from different departments of the University Hospital, like Urology and Global Health. Besides the diagnosis, the Digital Twin should enable interpretable outcomes which qualitatively and quantitatively define the decision options for the clinician.

Available projects: Bachelor and Master


You will work in a team of physicists in order to

  • Explore to state-of-the-art Machine Learning techniques and innovative applications to Digital Twins for a realworld application
  • Gain insights in an interdisciplinary application based and industry related research project
  • Opportunities for intense exchange with scientific,
    medical, and industrial partners
  • An effective and impactful team with great supervision